Doing Good Works End of Year and Book Launch Event

The closing event of #2024 the book, and the Unbossers Network are only possible thanks to the many courageous individuals who wholeheartedly said ‘yes’ to this ambitious initiative.

The feedback afterward was not only plentiful but also profound and emotional. I also noticed that certain questions about the show kept coming up, so I thought it would be a good idea to list and answer them below.

Now, it’s up to us together to make “Doing Good Works” a reality. Let’s continue to connect so that the Unbossers Network becomes the place for ordinary people building extraordinary companies.

Navigating new Pay Transparency Regulations in HR: Part 1 – The Theory with Teal Partners & SD Worx

Women in Europe earn, on average, 13% less than men. This has been the case for years, and it’s not improving. That’s why Europe is coming up with rules on salary transparency. As an hr professional, how do you put ESG rules into practice soon? Large companies will already have to report on employee wages starting next year. SMEs will follow in 2027. Find out during this webinar cohosted with experts from Teal Partners and SD Worx.