#CorporateCulture #Leadership
Change how you make decisions – become a more effective organization
The way you make decisions as a team/organization says a lot about the effectiveness of your organization.
We all make countless decisions every day: from deciding when to get up to what to wear to when to eat…not to mention the number of decisions we make at work, consciously or even on automatic pilot. Will I make this decision on my own? Or will I ask my manager or team? Who else should I involve? How can I ensure we make a good decision?
We see many teams and organizations struggle with decision making, especially when they are actively moving away from the classical pyramid where the boss decides autocratically. Very often the alternative becomes a ‘consensus’ decision, but that can be very time consuming and is therefore often not efficient nor effective.
Good news for you when you recognize the struggle: there is a way of decision making that makes the process inclusive, efficient and effective! In below episode Nick introduces you to the ‘Advice decision-making process’ and answers following questions:
- Where does the advice decision-making process come from?
- How does it work?
- Who do you need to make this work?
- Why should you try it?
- What are the major pitfalls?
You can also listen to the full episode on Spotify and Apple Podcast.
We hope you are inspired to give the process a try after watching. We are curious about your experiences and here to help with any pitfalls you may encounter.
About Unbossers Podcast
This show and everything else we Unbossers do is created by and for change makers for human organizations. Our goal is to inspire and educate as many people as possible on how to combine the pursuit of business success with care for humanity in a way that benefits all stakeholders of your organization. We talk with thought leaders and experts about the mindsets, skills, tools, processes and systems that turn business mambo jambo buzzwords like employee empowerment, customer centricity, agility and intrapreneurship into daily operational reality.
our Unbossers Network
Build a people-first organization the unbossed way:
Do you want to learn concrete steps on how to combine the pursuit of business success with putting people first? Just take a look at our Unbossers Network which offers low-key accessibility into global connections and teachings for you and your organisation.
We will be happy to welcome you there!