Elevating the frontline at Jaipur Rugs: from Untouchables to Unstoppables

For Unbossers Network-members only

Is your company lacking a customer-focused approach and struggling to motivate frontline managers and employees? Don't miss our online debate with Nand Kishore Chaudhary (NK), the visionary founder who revolutionized the handwoven carpet industry. Prepare to be inspired by NK's incredible journey of challenging the status quo and breaking down one of the world's oldest social structures - the Indian caste system.

BUTTONB AANMAKEN VOOR LINK NAAR https://unbossers.com/elevating-the-frontline-a-customer-success-story/

Open Strategy: mastering disruption from outside the C-suite

Ready to smash the competition and stay ahead of the curve? Don't miss our groundbreaking debate on the game-changing power of openness. Discover how embracing “Open Strategy” can unlock a flood of innovative ideas and rally your entire organization and your external stakeholders around them. This is a can't-miss event!

Info session on Buurtzorg visit

Join us on May 10th and 11th, 2023 for an immersive visit to Buurtzorg, where you'll discover the secrets to successful self-management at scale. Check out our quick 20-minute briefing for a sneak peek of what's in store for you at this game-changing event!