Creating Customer Centric Harmony in Organizations

By Olga Potaptseva – Top 8 CX Influencer in the world – Founder European Customer Consultancy – Founder CX Panda 

Today, businesses find themselves navigating an ever-changing ecosystem, where customer expectations continually evolve, and competition intensifies by the minute. In the midst of this turbulence, the key to thriving lies in orchestrating a symphony where every element plays in perfect unison. It’s a recognition that technological prowess, organisational processes, and human ingenuity are not isolated components but interdependent parts of a greater whole.

When the pace of technological advancement seems to outstrip our ability to adapt, it’s easy to fall into the trap of viewing technology as the solution for all business challenges. While leveraging cutting-edge tools and platforms undoubtedly offers immense potential, true success lies in keeping the true heartbeat of the organisation beating strong – its people. By centering humans, both employees and customers alike, companies can achieve great results and lead with integrity and success.

We at CXpanda and ECC are proud to partner with Unbossers, a trailblazer in innovative management technologies. For this blog, it is our hope that it will help the reader envision a more harmonious business landscape, where the convergence of technology, people, and processes is not just a strategic imperative but a catalyst for transformative growth.

Crafting Harmony: Essential Steps to a Customer-Centric Business

In the fast-paced business landscape, the buzzwords “customer-centricity” and “human-centred organisations” are everywhere. Yet, despite all the talk, many companies struggle to make these ideals a reality. They say they prioritise customers, but often, internal processes and metrics tell a different story. So, is customer-centricity just a myth?

Absolutely not. But achieving it requires more than just a declaration of customer-centric intent; it demands a careful balance between meeting customer needs and achieving organisational goals. Recently, Olga Potaptseva, founder of CXpanda, partnered with Unbossers Network  for a leadership retreat on building human-centred businesses.

Here are some key insights from the event:

Importance of Defining Customer-Centricity

Before delving into actionable insights, it’s essential to establish clear definitions:

Enablers of a Customer-Centric Ecosystem

There are six critical enablers to cultivate a customer-centric ecosystem:

1.Leadership: Prioritise CX at the executive level and install a customer-centric mindset across the organisation.

2.CX Strategy: Develop a clear and actionable CX strategy aligned with customer needs and organisational goals.

3.Data: Move beyond traditional surveys and leverage comprehensive data analysis to understand and meet customer expectations.

4.Customer-Informed Operating Model: Design processes and systems around the customer journey, prioritising basic needs before focusing on delight factors.

5.Empowerment & Enablement: Prioritise employee experience (EX) to enhance customer experience (CX), empowering employees to contribute positively to customer satisfaction.

6.Customer-Centric Culture: Foster a culture where every employee is responsible for prioritising customer satisfaction, encouraging micro-actions that reinforce customer-centric behaviours.

It’s not just about talking the talk but walking the walk, prioritising both business success and societal well-being. With a shared vision and collective effort, organisations can truly make a difference in the lives of their customers, employees, and communities alike. The case study below clearly shows how having a harmonious model in organisations can transform operations, people, management style, and the business as a whole.

Case Study: Insights from Buurtzorg’s Supporting Teams

Some businesses stand out as excellent examples of organisational alignment centred on harmony and collaboration. These enterprises have made concerted efforts to pioneer innovative processes and systems that benefit not only their customers but also their employees and the business as a whole. A remarkable case study by Unbossers, showcasing their network member, Buurtzorg, serves as a testament to this philosophy.

The customer at the heart of everything – 6 Lessons from Buurtzorg’s Supporting Team

Lesson 1: Serving Those Who Serve
Traditionally, supporting functions in organisations are geared towards control and standardisation. Buurtzorg flips this paradigm on its head by prioritising frontline care. Supporting teams focus on empowering nurses rather than enforcing regulations, fostering a culture of collaboration and customised assistance.

Lesson 2: Decentralisation of Responsibility
At Buurtzorg, decentralisation isn’t just about power; it’s about ownership and empowerment. Nursing teams are entrusted with a myriad of responsibilities, from patient care to financial sustainability. Supporting roles offer guidance and expertise, but ultimate decision-making lies with the frontline teams.

Lesson 3: Avoiding Self-Reference
Even in a progressive organisation like Buurtzorg, there’s a risk of succumbing to self-reference. Constant vigilance and self-evaluation are essential to ensure that supporting teams stay aligned with the organisation’s mission and avoid imposing solutions from a detached perspective.

Lesson 4: Quality over Control
Unlike traditional setups where supporting teams focus on enforcing policies, Buurtzorg emphasises collaboration and effectiveness. Supporting roles act as facilitators rather than enforcers, fostering a culture where advice is valued based on its quality and acceptance by users.

Lesson 5: Technology Aligned with Values
BuurtzorgWeb, their bespoke IT platform, reflects the organisation’s ethos of empowerment and collaboration. Designed to streamline processes and enhance communication, it serves as a hub for information sharing and decision-making, amplifying the impact of every team member.

Lesson 6: The Unbossed Boss
In a self-managing organisation like Buurtzorg, leadership takes on a different form. Jos de Blok, the CEO, embodies the concept of an “unbossed boss” – leading with purpose, partnership, inspiration, transparency, and empathy. His role isn’t to dictate but to empower, setting an example for a new breed of leadership.

Buurtzorg’s journey offers invaluable insights for supporting teams across industries. By prioritising collaboration, empowerment, and purpose-driven leadership, organisations can unlock their full potential and truly serve those they aim to impact.

In the realm of innovative organisational structures, Buurtzorg stands out as a beacon of success. Founded in 2006 with a modest nursing team in Holland, it swiftly evolved into the Netherlands’ largest provider of home health care, serving a staggering 60,000 clients daily. What distinguishes Buurtzorg, however, is not just its frontline excellence but also its lean and effective supporting teams, a crucial aspect often overlooked. Buurtzorg’s Back Office shared six surprising insights that every supporting team can learn from:


The notion that true success in the modern business landscape stems from synergy rather than silos. By fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation, we can unlock boundless opportunities for growth and prosperity. Let us strive to cultivate a future where businesses not only survive but thrive, powered by the collective ingenuity of humanity and the transformative capabilities of technology. Together, let us embark on this journey towards a brighter tomorrow. Also, Look out for the insights of Unbosser’s founder, Nick Van Langendonck, as he explores ancient biblical stories in his upcoming book. Through this exploration, he guides us to break free from bureaucratic constraints within our organisations and unlock the full potential of our human capital. Stay tuned for updates on its release!

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 for a keynote or workshop