Free Download: Unbossers Social Learning Business Network in Action 2024

By Nick Van Langendonck (LinkedIn)

Hey You!

2024 marks a significant milestone for Unbossers Social Learning Business Network. After our launch in 2023—where we experimented with our unique blend of management, philosophy, psychology, history, mindfulness, and even culinary learning experiences—and the honor of winning the interna- tional Zero Distance Award from Thinkers50, we are excited to see the im- pact of our atypical approach confirmed in 2024 as we also release our very first book: Doing Good Works — the bible for ordinary people building extraordinary companies.

Today, Unbossers has evolved into a social learning network or- ganization connecting almost 200 professionals from more than 40 companies. We curate intimate moments where individuals from di- verse professional backgrounds gather to learn from each other and evaluate their daily work in light of a shared moral calling. Because without the support of peers, our commitment to service, sacrifice, humility, and forgiveness in the workplace can swiftly diminish, causing us to become the very system we seek to transform.

Because without the support of peers, our commitment to service, sacrifice, humility, and forgiveness in the workplace can swiftly diminish, causing us to become the very system we seek to transform.

In this network, there are no gurus or dogmas; we are all both guides and learners, inspiring each other to choose to do good in our daily challenges. We don’t teach leadership; we learn by doing. We don’t waffle about spirituality; we practice contemplation in our actions. While we don’t claim to know what the company of the future will look like, we are certain that we can create a better version than what exists today.

 While we don’t claim to know what the company of the future will look like, we are certain that we can create a better version than what exists today.

As highlighted in this 2024 review, we share joys and sorrows, suc- cesses and setbacks, offer support during tough times, and cultivate strong relationships. I firmly believe that through social learning and peer support centered on caring corporate cultures and processes we have the power to transform both individuals and companies.

In summary, my deepest wish is that Unbossers becomes the place to be for all the ordinary people in the corporate world who cou- rageously want to help build extraordinary companies, one step at a time, by striving (and often failing) to do good in every interaction at work, and beyond.

With gratitude and generosity,

Nick & Unbossers Network

Drink a cappuccino

with Nick from Unbossers Network